Saturday, March 29, 2014

How to eat before doing sports?

Have absolute influence results before exercise diet on training or competition, proper nutrition can improve the efficiency and competition training achievement, improper diet will allow you to feel tired, or gastrointestinal discomfort, unable to display the proper standard.

Before eating according to personal preferences, habits, the degree of adaptation, and participation in sports and different, of course, some players believe that eating certain foods at a certain time, will bring good luck, as they no matter how, proper diet and exercise before has the following functions:

1 for in vivo glycogen did the last added: for of the movement to provide adequate nutrition: glycogen is the major source of energy, liver glycogen stores shortage will make people feel fatigue early, and affect the performance.
2 to provide adequate moisture.

3 stable gastrointestinal: let you don't feel hungry during exercise, not because of eating too much and feel stomach discomfort.

4 to provide confidence: make you feel you have adequate preparation, can exhibit the best performance.

What to eat before doing sports?

Before moving to high carbohydrate, low fat food, such as bread, rice, noodles, and fruit, the food is easy to digest, but also can provide carbohydrate, as the movement of the energy sources. If the moving time of more than 60 - 90 minutes or more, can choose the glycemic index (glycemicindex) of lower food, such as fruit, skim milk, Steamed Rice, beans, these food slowly digested into sugar, can often supply carbohydrate to exercise muscles to use.

If the motion in a short time 60 minutes, can choose high glycemic index foods, such as bread, sports drinks, these food quickly digest, can quickly provide carbohydrate.

High fiber foods are relatively easy to cause stomach uncomfortable, because they need a long time to digest, some high fiber foods are rich in carbohydrates, such as whole wheat bread, high fiber biscuits, some high fiber beverage, if these foods will make you feel uncomfortable in the movement, they should avoid eating these foods before exercise.

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